In English
Istentisztelet: vasárnap 10.00 óra          Imaórák: vasárnap 9.15 és csütörtök 19.00 óra
2051 Biatorbágy, Lomb utca 2.

The new building of our church


We report from Biatorbágy we have already finished the roof of the house of our LORD,
the house of 

We are very satisfied and we are slightly tired of course at the same time. „Dropping hands and sunk down knees” speak about us, but sitting on saddle of the roof and looking the view and the buildings over, it is so great! We do remember to the last half year….. and now we sit on the roof and this beautiful building is „the stool of our feet”.

  All of our efforts, our gifts, our incredulities and our confidences and also your encouragements and your helps, everything is materialized now in this house.

This is only a house, but in spite of this, it is a great miracle for us. We have put our hearts in different ways to construct the house, everybody has undertakes a part building it according to her/his talent and time, and now the house is standing before us…….

and it is waiting to continue …

We are going to have a breath and after it we set out to work again.

We also put everything into it what we can and we perceive that the Lord of the Assembly is with us.

Thank you so much your interests, we shall return soon.

If you agree with building the house of our LORD and if you can, we ask you to help us.
Our bank account:

IBAN:   HU90 1820 3363 0602 1264 4001 0011




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